Palladium-Item from Richmond, Indiana (2024)

THE RICHMOND PALLADIUM AND SUN-TELEGRAM, MONDAY, JULY 27, 1936 3 Former Postal Employee Here Is Taken By Death Brief Illness Is Fatal to Charles Dunn, 68, Member of St. Mary's Catholic Church Charles Dunn, 68 years old, former Richmond resident, who became a prominent Detroit, coal broker, died Sunday morning at the Providence Hospital in Detroit. Death came unexpectedly after an illness suffered last Tuesday. Funeral services will, take place Wednesday morning Detroit. Mr.

Dunn was employed as a letter carrier for the Richmond Post Office engaged in the coal selling business. After selling locally for a Pennsylvania coal company for a short time, he was put on the road as a salesman and later was made sales manager at Detroit where he started his coal brokerage office. During the prewar period Mr. Dunn made considerable money in his business by supplying coal to Canada. His ability was recognized during the war when he was appointed fuel administrator for Detroit.

Mr. Dunn was a member of St. Mary's Catholic Church He was a charter member of Richmond chairman; Miss Ruth Burdsall, Miss Emily Murphy, Miss Ruth Bartel, Mrs. Fentress Tucker. Charles Dunn Council, Knights of Columbus, and served as first grand knight of the local council in which he had retained his membership since 1904.

Born in Richmond in 1868 the son of Thomas Dunn, he was educated in the local schools and graduated from Richmond High School. Survivors are his widow; brother, John Dunn, local retired railroad man, and several nieces and nephews, among whom are Charles Dunn, Charles, Thomas, Catherine, and Mary Quigley, all of Richmond. WACODE CLUB TO ENTERTAIN AT SPRINGWOOD Memebrs of the Wacode Club will entertain Thursday, July 30, at Springwood Lake with a picnic and swimming party for delegates from this district who attended the National Red Cross Convention in Chicago early this Spring. All wishing to swim are asked to be at the lake at 3 P. M.

A co-operative supper will be served at 6 P. M. and will be followed by a business session and games. Miss Marjorie Pickett, Wacode Club president, has appointed a chairman for each township, whose duty it will be to urge delegates attend the affair, provide transportation, and directly assist the local Red Cross Chapter in its plans for the occasion. Following are the township TRUSSES I For Every Kind of Rupture Abdominal Supports Fitted By Experts Gentleman and Lady Attendant Ask Your Doctor QUIGLEY'S chairmen: Elizabeth Ann Kauffman, Abington; Robert Fleisch, Boston; Alta Clevenger, Center; Mrs.

Wayne Reid, Clay; Irene Sherry, Dalton; Katherine Hunt, Franklin, Pauline Sieweke, Green; Jean Nicholson, Harrison; Robert Harmeier, Jackson, Don McCullough, Jefferson, Louise Martin, New Garden; Don Manlove, Washington; Martha Bullerdick, Pleasant View School; Marjorie Pickett, Highland; Doyne King, Riley; Mrs. Esther B. Neff, Richmond, and Robert Culy, Webster. Around the World Today Red Cross Rescues Injured After Barcelona Fighting These Associated Press photos, flown from Barcelona, Spain, to London and then sent by radio to New York, (top) a wounded man being carried to a first aid station by members of the Red Cross after a fierce battle during revolution. Below, are shown a few of the automobiles that were wrecked and burned by rebels in the seaport city.

Meanwhile, protection for Americans still in the city was asked of the State Department by the U. S. Consul. Wounded by Stray Shell LISBON, Portugal, July -Several men and officers of the Portuguese Army were wounded today by a shell which fell across the border of Valencia, Portugal. An officer of the Spanish rebel army offered apologies for the accident.

King Cancels Holiday LONDON, July King Edward has canceled his plans for a holiday at Cannes, on the French Riviera, it was announced at Buckingham Palace today. His decision, it was understood, was the troubles in Spain. King Edward, it was stated, realized the responsibilities of French authorities had been increased tremendously as a result of the Spanish civil war. Consequently, he did not wish to add to them. The royal yacht, Victoria Albert, is in commission, ready for a cruise, and the King may decide on this alternative for his holiday.

Hands Off Policy LONDON, July Great Britain will join France in a rigid policy of nonintervention in Spain's civil war, it was stated in Downing Street today. Authoritative circles received with relief the news that Leon Blum's French Government would not yield to Madrid's entreaties for arms and ammunition. It had been feared French assistance to the Loyalist-Leftist Government in Spain might lead Italy or Germany to rally to the rebel side, with consequent international repercussions. SKIN OUTBREAKS Eczema itching, surface pimples and soreness of psoriasis, poison ivy and irritation about rectum or personal parts promptly relieved by Civic Minstrel at Vigran's Tuesday and Wednesday READ THESE SAVINGS 5 Knit Dresses Reg. $10.95 Boucle 32 Summer Lace Dresses Values to $7.85 10 Summer Silk Coats Reg.

$7.85 Values 18 White, Summer Coats Values to $10.95 20 Light Weight Coats 75 Values to Silk $15.00 Dresses HO Values to $10.95 29 Short Jacket Suits Values to $12.95 Children's 25 Summer To 79c Sun Suits Values to $3.85 39cl COATS $1.00 200 Summer Reg. $1 White Values to' $2.85 Purses Hats 39cl Summer 69c Reg. $1.00 Reg. $1 Summer Gloves 47cl Collars 19c. Reg.

$1.95 Reg. $1 Ladies' Ladies' SKIRTS Skirts SUMMER 99cl Summer 69cl Odds, Ends in 18 Short Jacket Blouses Suits Summer 49cl Summer .39 VIGRAN'S Ladies Shop 819-821 Main St. GROUPS BUSY GETTING READY FOR YOUNG FOLK Committees are at work arranging for the State Young People's gathering to be held here in First Friends Church, Oct. 22, 23, and 24 when nearly 1,500 delegates are expected from all parts of Indiana. A program prepared by the State Council of Christian Education will be followed, according to Cecil Scantland, of this city, who serves as president of the Wayne County Council of Christian Education.

Committee appointments were recently completed by Mr. Scantland and W. G. Batt, president of the City Sunday School Association. Visiting young people will be entertained in the homes of local church people.

Entertainment will include lodging and breakfast for two nights. Other meals are to be arranged in various city churches, according to present plans. The Preregistration Committee appointed, headed by Maynard Bertsch of Cambridge City, plans to have Wayne County and Richmond Churches represented by 500 young people. The complete list of committee members follows: Preregistration Maynard Bertsch, chairman; Louise Martin, LeRoy Pitts, Robert Bolos. Conference Francis Wright, chairman; Grace Brennan; Mary Mariana, Barbara Schnelle, Katherine Lee.

Buildings George Batt, chairman; Clarence Kramer, Ellsworth Johnson, Willis J. Smith. Decorations- Mrs. Edgar Brown, chairman; Dorothy Orr, Electa H. Wilson.

Reception and Ushering Rev. F. M. Hanes, chairman; C. c.

Collins, Rev. Hodges, Rev. Stackhouse. Meals Mrs. George Brehm, chairman; Mrs.

Wilbur Schnelle, Miss Elizabeth Williams. Information Mary Swisher, chairman; James Wiechman, Edna Needham. Banquet--Mrs. Charles. Johanning, chairman; Wilson, Mrs.

Lawrence White. Housing Mrs. John Schroyer, Strike Up the During the last three years, air passenger fatalities abroad have been more than double those on American air lines. Here's A Parade of Values for CIVIC MINSTREL DAYS In the Blue Lantern Gift Shop Special Table of Clearance Items Pantry ware, pottery, wooden too ware, numerous and to other mention. articles Price Complete Closeout of DOL a Large Line of Bracelets, clips, earrings, clip Costume Jewelry necklaces, dress buckles, in Catalin and metal styling.

49c Each Fine Silver Holloware at Special Prices Open Silver Vegetable $1.95 Hammer Craft Silver Sandwich Tray Silver Bowl $1.95 Relish Dish $3.95 Buffet Dish $3.95 Bread Tray Individual Roasting Ear Silver Holders Ice Tub With Crystal Sterling Silver Insert Handles $2.95 With Ice Tongs, $3.50 Pair JENKINS CO. JEWELERS 726 Main Lapland has no doctors. WILL CLOSE THURSDAY AFTERNOONS During July and August In Co-operation with The Richmond Merchants Association For emergency cases please call my residence. PHONE 3788 On the job practically all the time for 42 years 1894 1936 EDMUNDS 10 N. 9th St.

Ph. 2765 THE GREATEST SHOW WON EARTH is on the air! Enjoy the Thrill of the Hottest Election Campaign in Tears with a 4-STAR JUBILEE FEATURE 10 Here in a SEARS small, ELECTION compact table model that SILVERTONE is MODEL new RADICOMPLETE CALLY, SENSATIONALLY DIFFERENT in everything it is and does. A radio it took a year to build! A design WITH 5 MATCHED that cost A radio designed for the hottest election campaign in years priced a crisp $10 bill under the usual SILVERTONE TUBES price for ordinary compact sets! GIANT RADIO CLEARANCE! Aerial Kit 45-Volt Battery Radio Tubes and Batteries $1.09 89c Complete everything with for Volt Guaranteed Bat- 45 Checked FREE! better recep- tery for light 66 tion. duty service. Radio Dept.

First Floor 7 TUBE CONSOLE 6 TUBE CONSOLE Sold for $44.95 NOW ONLY NOW $00.95 $29.95 $4 DOWN $5 MONTH $3 DOWN $5 MONTH Small Carrying Charge Small Carrying Charge American and foreign reception, dual wave, automatic volume con- Foreign and American reception, trol, tone control; large dynamic 3 tuning bands, high ratio tuning speaker, airplane dial Complete control, new metal cased tubes, with guaranteed Silvertone tubes. automatic volume control, powerful dynamic loudspeaker. ComSee This Value Today! plete with guaranteed Silvertone tubes. 6 TUBE BATTERY MODEL 6 Tube Table Model Complete With All RADIO Batteries and Tubes $32-95 $21.95 $4 DOWN $5 MONTH $3 DOWN $4 MONTH Small Carrying Charge Small Carrying Charge Today's table biggest model! a bat- Includes every modern improvevalue in tery Small-budget ment; three tuning bands, illuimihomes without electricity can now nated airplane dial, the full range dyenjoy finest in foreign broad- namic speaker, and automatic casts with this marvelous 6-tube Silvertone! volume control Metal type superhet tubes. 5-Tube Auto Radio 5-Tube Battery Radio only- Small Carrying Charge Dash mount, automatic volume control, $1950 Complete with all batteries and tubes.

airplane dial, and dynamic speaker all for $3 DOWN $4 MONTH $2195 (1886 SEARS. ROEBUCK AND CO. 1936. 915-917 MAIN ST. RICHMOND, IND..

Palladium-Item from Richmond, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Nathanael Baumbach

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.